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Coaching in Business
No matter how you look at it, any team is simply a group of individuals.
For the team to perfom well, each individual has to both understand
and to play, their part.
A lack of focus or drop in performance at work can be caused by both
internal and external influences which may have little or nothing to do
with the job but everything to do with the personal issues and
concerns of the individual.
Problems can be rooted in self-belief - too much or not enough - or
maybe communication style is the issue. Financial pressures and
concerns over job security can result in resentment or emotional
detachment. Family issues may be draining energy and distracting
thought. Perhaps retirement is on the horizon. Whatever the cause, it
can be demoralising and frustrating for other team members and the
employer or manager may be unsure as to how to address and resolve
the situation.
Positive Change
As a Recruiter, I've always believed in going the extra mile to make sure
that both candidate and employer are a good fit, not just from a skills
perspective but are also a great match in relation to company culture,
personality, expectations, ethics and values.
This approach led me naturally into an interest in personal
development and since qualifying as a Personal Development Coach in
2006 I have supported many individuals in making positive changes to
their lives which have resulted in them feeling happier and more in
control than they have for years.
For some, it has led to significantly increased success at work; for
others, it has been an intensely personal journey that has changed
their entire outlook on life. Without exception, they have all found the
process to be deeply enlightening and immensely worthwhile.
In today's highly competitive world it is becoming increasingly
challenging to attract and then retain, those individuals who can make
a truly positive impact on the organisation they work for and I'm sure
you'll agree that it takes a lot of time, effort and money to recruit the
right people.
Values Driven
Key individuals are now motivated by so much more than just their
salary. They want to work with a company whose business ethics and
values match their own. They want to feel part of the organisation and
to have both influence and involvement in its development. Most of all,
they want to feel valued and appreciated.
But however good they are, they can still sometimes become
overwhelmed by events and situations over which you as the employer
or manager have no control but you have to deal with the
consequences. Individual coaching can resolve these issues, thereby
protecting your investment, raising team morale, and increasing
employee commitment and loyalty.
All of us now have to operate under immense pressures of one kind or
another and some are better than others at balancing those pressures.
If you have someone in your team who you think may be struggling to
get the balance right and could benefit from a programme of coaching,
please call or email me and I will explain how I can help.
A Life You Love?
That’s worth talking about! Maybe a phone call?
After all, you've shown you're ready to take
action, because you've visited this site.
Call me.... no obligation. It will be the best
investment of your time you'll ever make.